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Case Orders

Sl No.Order No.PetitionerRespondant Description Order Date
10P.P.A.P.No.1 of 2025Tamil Nadu Green Energy Corporation Ltd. (TNGECL) To ratify the action for having floated tender for procurement of 420 MW of solar under (PM-KUSUM) Scheme and other orders. 13/02/2025
9I.A.No.1 of 2024 in M.P.No.6 of 2023M/s.SEPC Power Private Ltd.TANGEDCO To declare that TNPDCL does not have power under the PPA to carry out deductions towards FCC components of Provisional Capital Cost and other orders. 13/02/2025
8M.P.No.50 of 2024Tamil Nadu Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. Seeking approval to float a short-term tender and for deviation from the guidelines for procurement of RTC & Peak hour power.13/02/2025
7D.R.P.No.7 of 2024i) SEP Energy Pvt. Ltd. ii) M/s.Lemon Tree Hotels Ltd. iii) M/s.Shimona Hotels Pvt. Ltd.CMD/TANGEDCO & Ors Direct TANGEDCO to adjust the outstanding amount of Rs.26,98,179/- due to SEP Energy against the consumption charges / open access charges payable by petitioners No.2 & 3, respectively, along with interest.13/02/2025
6R.P.No.2 of 2024 in M.P.No.28 of 2023M/s.Techno Electric and Engineering Company Ltd.TANGEDCO In the matter of payment of full APPC rate without applying any cap.28/01/2025
5I.A.No.1 of 2024 in S.R.No.122 of 2024Tamil Nadu Power Distribution Corporation Ltd.(TNPDCL)M/s.OPG Power Generation Pvt. Ltd. Prayer to Condone the delay of 87 days in filing of the Review Petition23/01/2025
4M.P.No.14 of 2024Thiru.N.MuthukumarTANGEDCO & Ors. To impose penalty upon the Respondents in accordance with Section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of the order of the Commission dated 17.12.2021 in D.R.P.No.12 of 2021 21/01/2025
3S.R.No.110 of 2024 dated 27.09.2024M/s.SEPC Power Private LimitedTANGEDCO The Petitioner SEPC Power Private Limited has come forward with a prayer seeking permission to withdraw the main unnumbered petition with liberty to file a fresh petition and for refund of the court-fees paid on the petition.21/01/2025
2P.R.C.No.4 of 2024M/s.Rollatainers Limited,TANGEDCO To issue an order, or direction calling for the records on the file of the 2nd Respondent pertaining to the Impugned demand notice in Lr. No.SEK/DFC/RCS/ HT/F. Audit/HT.Sc.No.247/D.No./16, dated 29.08.2016, and quash the same as being arbitrary and illegal and thereby render justice.02/01/2025
1D.R.P.No.8 of 2024Mytrah Vayu (Manjira) Pvt. Ltd. TANGEDCO Direct the Respondent to pay an amount of Rs.40,58,54,851/- (i.e., principal amount of Rs.22,00,57,921/- and interest at the rate of 1% i.e., Rs.18,57,96,930/-) as on 10.04.2024, towards the unutilized banked energy for FY 2014-2015, FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17, within 30(thirty) days;02/01/2025